Source code for fluent_compiler.compiler

# The heart of the FTL -> Python compiler. See the architecture docs in
# ARCHITECTURE.rst for the big picture, and comments on compile_expr below.

import builtins
import contextlib
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import singledispatch

import attr
import babel
from fluent.syntax import FluentParser
from fluent.syntax.ast import (

from . import codegen, runtime
from .builtins import BUILTINS
from .errors import (
from .escapers import EscaperJoin, RegisteredEscaper, escaper_for_message, escapers_compatible, identity, null_escaper
from .types import FluentDateType, FluentNone, FluentNumber, FluentType
from .utils import (

# Unicode bidi isolation characters.
FSI = "\u2068"
PDI = "\u2069"

    BUILTIN_NUMBER: FluentNumber,
    BUILTIN_DATETIME: FluentDateType,

# Function argument and global names::
MESSAGE_ARGS_NAME = "message_args"
ERRORS_NAME = "errors"
LOCALE_NAME = "locale"
PLURAL_FORM_FOR_NUMBER_NAME = "plural_form_for_number"


class CurrentEnvironment:
    # The parts of CompilerEnvironment that we want to mutate (and restore)
    # temporarily for some parts of a call chain.
    message_id = attr.ib(default=None)
    ftl_resource = attr.ib(default=None)
    term_args = attr.ib(default=None)
    in_select_expression = attr.ib(default=False)
    escaper = attr.ib(default=null_escaper)

class CompilerEnvironment:
    locale = attr.ib()
    plural_form_function = attr.ib()
    use_isolating = attr.ib()
    message_mapping = attr.ib(factory=dict)
    errors = attr.ib(factory=list)
    escapers = attr.ib(default=None)
    functions = attr.ib(factory=dict)
    function_renames = attr.ib(factory=dict)
    functions_arg_spec = attr.ib(factory=dict)
    message_ids_to_ast = attr.ib(factory=dict)
    term_ids_to_ast = attr.ib(factory=dict)
    current = attr.ib(factory=CurrentEnvironment)

    def add_current_message_error(self, error):
        self.errors.append((self.current.message_id, error))

    def escaper_for_message(self, message_id=None):
        return escaper_for_message(self.escapers, message_id=message_id)

    def modified(self, **replacements):
        Context manager that modifies the 'current' attribute of the
        environment, restoring the old data at the end.
        # CurrentEnvironment only has immutable args at the moment, so the
        # shallow copy returned by attr.evolve is fine.
        old_current = self.current
        self.current = attr.evolve(old_current, **replacements)
        yield self
        self.current = old_current

    def modified_for_term_reference(self, term_args=None):
        return self.modified(term_args=term_args if term_args is not None else {})

    def should_use_isolating(self):
        if self.current.escaper.use_isolating is None:
            return self.use_isolating
        return self.current.escaper.use_isolating

class FtlSource:
    Object used to specify the origin of a chunk of FTL

    def __init__(self, ast_node, ftl_resource):
        self.ast_node = ast_node
        self.ftl_resource = ftl_resource
        self.filename = self.ftl_resource.filename
        self.row, self.column = span_to_position(ast_node.span, ftl_resource.text)

[docs] @attr.s class CompiledFtl: # A dictionary of message IDs to Python functions. This is the primary # output that is needed to execute the FTL - the functions simply need to be # called with a dictionary of external arguments, and a list to which # runtime errors will be added. message_functions = attr.ib(factory=dict) # A list of parsing and compilation errors, where each item is # (message_id or None, exception object) errors = attr.ib(factory=list) # Compiled output as Python AST. module_ast = attr.ib(default=None) locale = attr.ib(default=None)
[docs] def compile_messages(locale, resources, use_isolating=True, functions=None, escapers=None): """ Compile a list of FtlResource to a Python module, and returns a CompiledFtl objects """ _functions = BUILTINS.copy() if functions: _functions.update(functions) messages, parsing_issues = _parse_resources(resources) babel_locale = babel.Locale.parse(locale.replace("-", "_")) module, message_mapping, module_globals, compilation_errors = messages_to_module( messages, babel_locale, use_isolating=use_isolating, functions=_functions, escapers=escapers, ) # A hack below to allow `.ftl` files to appear in tracebacks, should that # ever be needed, rather than '<string>' which is rather confusing. # To do this, we split the module into multiple modules, to allow each # function to have it's own filename associated with it, because the # original FTL may come from different sources. for module_ast in module.as_multiple_module_ast(): if hasattr(module_ast.body[0], "filename"): filename = module_ast.body[0].filename else: filename = "<string>" code_obj = compile(module_ast, filename, "exec") exec(code_obj, module_globals) message_functions = {} for key, val in message_mapping.items(): if key.startswith(TERM_SIGIL): # term, shouldn't be in publicly available messages continue message_functions[str(key)] = module_globals[val] return CompiledFtl( message_functions=message_functions, errors=parsing_issues + compilation_errors, module_ast=module.as_ast(), locale=locale, )
def _parse_resources(ftl_resources): parsing_issues = [] output_dict = OrderedDict() for ftl_resource in ftl_resources: parser = FluentParser() resource = parser.parse(ftl_resource.text) for item in resource.body: if isinstance(item, (Message, Term)): full_id = ast_to_id(item) if full_id in output_dict: parsing_issues.append( ( full_id, FluentDuplicateMessageId(f"Additional definition for '{full_id}' discarded."), ) ) else: # Decorate with ftl_resource for better error messages later item.ftl_resource = ftl_resource for attribute in item.attributes: attribute.ftl_resource = ftl_resource output_dict[full_id] = item elif isinstance(item, Junk): parsing_issues.append( ( None, FluentJunkFound( "Junk found:\n" + "\n".join( " {}: {}".format( display_location( ftl_resource.filename, span_to_position(a.span, ftl_resource.text), ), a.message, ) for a in item.annotations ), item.annotations, ), ) ) return output_dict, parsing_issues def messages_to_module(messages, locale, use_isolating=True, functions=None, escapers=None): """ Compile a set of {id: Message/Term objects} to a Python module, returning a tuple: (codegen.Module object, dictionary mapping message IDs to Python functions, module globals dictionary, errors list) """ if functions is None: functions = {} message_ids_to_ast = OrderedDict(get_message_function_ast(messages)) term_ids_to_ast = OrderedDict(get_term_ast(messages)) # Plural form function plural_form_for_number_main = babel.plural.to_python(locale.plural_form) def plural_form_for_number(number): try: return plural_form_for_number_main(number) except TypeError: # This function can legitimately be passed strings if we incorrectly # guessed it was a CLDR category. So we ignore silently return None function_arg_errors = [] compiler_env = CompilerEnvironment( locale=locale, plural_form_function=plural_form_for_number, use_isolating=use_isolating, functions=functions, functions_arg_spec={ name: inspect_function_args(func, name, function_arg_errors) for name, func in functions.items() }, message_ids_to_ast=message_ids_to_ast, term_ids_to_ast=term_ids_to_ast, ) for err in function_arg_errors: compiler_env.add_current_message_error(err) if escapers: if len({ for e in escapers}) < len(escapers): raise ValueError("Every escaper must have a unique 'name' attribute'") compiler_env.escapers = [RegisteredEscaper(escaper, compiler_env) for escaper in escapers] # Setup globals, and reserve names for them module_globals = {k: getattr(runtime, k) for k in runtime.__all__} module_globals.update(builtins.__dict__) module_globals[LOCALE_NAME] = locale # Return types of known functions. known_return_types = {} known_return_types.update(BUILTIN_RETURN_TYPES) known_return_types.update(runtime.RETURN_TYPES) module_globals[PLURAL_FORM_FOR_NUMBER_NAME] = plural_form_for_number known_return_types[PLURAL_FORM_FOR_NUMBER_NAME] = str def get_name_properties(name): properties = {} if name in known_return_types: properties[codegen.PROPERTY_RETURN_TYPE] = known_return_types[name] return properties module = codegen.Module() for k in module_globals: name = module.scope.reserve_name(k, properties=get_name_properties(k), is_builtin=k in builtins.__dict__) # We should have chosen all our module_globals to avoid name conflicts: assert name == k, f"Expected {name}=={k}" # Reserve names for escapers if compiler_env.escapers is not None: for escaper in compiler_env.escapers: for name, func, properties in escaper.get_reserved_names_with_properties(): assigned_name = module.scope.reserve_name(name, properties=properties) # We've chosen the names to not clash with anything that # we've already set up. assert assigned_name == name assert assigned_name not in module_globals module_globals[assigned_name] = func # Reserve names for function arguments, so that we always # know the name of these arguments without needing to do # lookups etc. for arg in MESSAGE_FUNCTION_ARGS: module.scope.reserve_function_arg_name(arg) # -- User defined names # functions from context for name, func in functions.items(): # These might clash, because we can't control what the user passed in, # so we make a record in 'function_renames' assigned_name = module.scope.reserve_name(name, properties=get_name_properties(name)) compiler_env.function_renames[name] = assigned_name module_globals[assigned_name] = func # Pass one, find all the names, so that we can populate message_mapping, # which is needed for compilation. for msg_id, msg in message_ids_to_ast.items(): escaper = compiler_env.escaper_for_message(message_id=msg_id) function_name = module.scope.reserve_name( suggested_function_name_for_msg_id(msg_id), properties={codegen.PROPERTY_RETURN_TYPE: escaper.output_type}, ) compiler_env.message_mapping[msg_id] = function_name # Pass 2, actual compilation for msg_id, msg in message_ids_to_ast.items(): with compiler_env.modified( message_id=msg_id, ftl_resource=msg.ftl_resource, escaper=compiler_env.escaper_for_message(message_id=msg_id), ): function_name = compiler_env.message_mapping[msg_id] function = compile_message(msg, msg_id, function_name, module, compiler_env) module.add_function(function_name, function) module = codegen.simplify(module, Simplifier(compiler_env)) return (module, compiler_env.message_mapping, module_globals, compiler_env.errors) def get_message_function_ast(message_dict): for msg_id, msg in message_dict.items(): if isinstance(msg, Term): continue if msg.value is not None: # has a body yield (msg_id, msg) for attribute in msg.attributes: yield (attribute_ast_to_id(attribute, msg), attribute) def get_term_ast(message_dict): for term_id, term in message_dict.items(): if isinstance(term, Message): pass if term.value is not None: # has a body yield (term_id, term) for attribute in term.attributes: yield (attribute_ast_to_id(attribute, term), attribute) def suggested_function_name_for_msg_id(msg_id): # Scope.reserve_name does further sanitising of name, which we don't need to # worry about. It also ensures we don't get dupes. So the fact that this # method will produce occasional collisions is not an issue - here we are # aiming for an easy method than will produce nice obvious names (for the # sake of tests) with a low chance of collision in the normal case (so that # we don't hit worst cases in Scope.reserve_name for normal FTL files). return msg_id.replace(ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR, "__").replace("-", "_") def compile_message(msg, msg_id, function_name, module, compiler_env): msg_func = codegen.Function( parent_scope=module.scope, name=function_name, args=MESSAGE_FUNCTION_ARGS, source=FtlSource(msg, compiler_env.current.ftl_resource), ) function_block = msg_func.body if contains_reference_cycle(msg, compiler_env): error = FluentCyclicReferenceError(f"{display_ast_location(msg, compiler_env)}: Cyclic reference in {msg_id}") add_static_msg_error(function_block, error) compiler_env.add_current_message_error(error) return_expression = finalize_expr_as_output_type( make_fluent_none(None, module.scope), function_block, compiler_env ) else: return_expression = compile_expr(msg, function_block, compiler_env) # > return $return_expression msg_func.add_return(return_expression) return msg_func def traverse_ast(node, func, exclude_attributes=None): """ Postorder-traverse this node and apply `func` to all child nodes. exclude_attributes is a list of (node type, attribute name) tuples that should not be recursed into. """ def visit(value): """Call `func` on `value` and its descendants.""" if isinstance(value, BaseNode): return traverse_ast(value, func, exclude_attributes=exclude_attributes) if isinstance(value, list): return func(list(map(visit, value))) return func(value) # Use all attributes found on the node parts = vars(node).items() for name, value in parts: if exclude_attributes is not None and (type(node), name) in exclude_attributes: continue visit(value) return func(node) def contains_reference_cycle(msg, compiler_env): """ Returns True if the message 'msg' contains a cyclic reference, in the context of the other messages provided in compiler_env """ # We traverse the AST starting from message, jumping to other messages and # terms as necessary, and seeing if a path through the AST loops back to # previously visited nodes at any point. # This algorithm has some bugs compared to the runtime method in # For example, a pair of conditionally mutually recursive messages: # foo = Foo { $arg -> # [left] { bar } # *[right] End # } # bar = Bar { $arg -> # *[left] End # [right] { foo } # } # These messages are rejected as containing cycles by this checker, when in # fact they cannot go into an infinite loop. # It is pretty difficult to come up with a compelling use case # for this kind of thing though... so we are not too worried # about fixing this bug, since we are erring on the conservative side. message_ids_to_ast = compiler_env.message_ids_to_ast term_ids_to_ast = compiler_env.term_ids_to_ast # We exclude recursing into certain attributes, because we already cover # these recursions explicitly by jumping to a subnode for the case of # references. exclude_attributes = [ # Message and Term attributes have already been loaded into the message_ids_to_ast dict, (Message, "attributes"), (Term, "attributes"), # for speed (Message, "comment"), (Term, "comment"), ] # We need to keep track of visited nodes. If we use just a single set for # each top level message, then things like this would be rejected: # # message = { -term } { -term } # # because we would visit the term twice. # # So we have a stack of sets: visited_node_stack = [set()] # The top of this stack represents the set of nodes in the current path of # visited nodes. We push a copy of the top set onto the stack when we # traverse into a sub-node, and pop it off when we come back. checks = [] def checker(node): if isinstance(node, BaseNode): node_id = id(node) if node_id in visited_node_stack[-1]: checks.append(True) return visited_node_stack[-1].add(node_id) else: return # The logic below duplicates the logic that is used for 'jumping' to # different nodes (messages via a runtime function call, terms via # inlining), including the fallback strategies that are used. sub_node = None if isinstance(node, (MessageReference, TermReference)): ref_id = reference_to_id(node) if ref_id in message_ids_to_ast: sub_node = message_ids_to_ast[ref_id] elif ref_id in term_ids_to_ast: sub_node = term_ids_to_ast[ref_id] elif node.attribute: # No match for attribute, but compiler falls back to parent ref # in this situation, so we have to as well. parent_ref_id = reference_to_id(node, ignore_attributes=True) if parent_ref_id in message_ids_to_ast: sub_node = message_ids_to_ast[parent_ref_id] elif parent_ref_id in term_ids_to_ast: sub_node = term_ids_to_ast[parent_ref_id] if sub_node is not None: visited_node_stack.append(visited_node_stack[-1].copy()) traverse_ast(sub_node, checker, exclude_attributes=exclude_attributes) if any(checks): return visited_node_stack.pop() return traverse_ast(msg, checker, exclude_attributes=exclude_attributes) return any(checks) # ----------------- Begin 'compile_expr' implementation --------------------- # # The `compile_expr_XXXX functions` form the heart of handling all FTL syntax. # They convert FTL AST nodes (as created by fluent.syntax parser) # into Python expressions (in the form of our `codegen.PythonAst` objects). # # The first `compile_expr` function is decorated with `@singledispatch`, # so we can then dispatch to other functions based on the type of the first # argument. This is instead of a huge switch statement consisting of # `if isinstance(ast, XXX): handle_XXX(...)`, or other similar visitor patterns. # # The basic structure is that each `compile_expr` returns a single # codegen.PythonAst object that corresponds to the passed in FTL AST (the first # argument). That is, the overall strategy is to compile each FTL AST object to # a single Python expression. # # The simplest example is compile_expr_text, because we can simply convert an # FTL string to a Python string. # # However, some FTL expressions cannot really be implemented in this way. For # example, the "selectors" Fluent feature needs control structures. To support # this, each `compile_expr` implementation may also modify the passed in # `block`, which represents the block of Python code already built up. # # So, for example, `compile_expr_select_expression` adds an `if/elif/else` # clause to the current block. This does the control flow we need, and each # branch assigns to a temporary variable. The final returned expression is just # that temporary variable as a VariableReference object. This allows us to stay # within the paradigm of one FTL expression -> one Python expression - each # `compile_expr` method still returns a single expression, but it may also # mutate the passed in `block` in order to add the code needed to support that # single expression. # # Other statements are also added to the block for other purposes e.g. error # logging. # # The return value expressions will be used by code further up the chain, right # back to the top level code creating the message function, which will use a # single final expression as a return value. # # Example: # # foo = Foo # bar = X { foo } # # These messages will be compiled to Python functions like these: # # def foo(message_args, errors): # return 'Foo' # # def bar(message_args, errors): # return f'X {foo(message_args, errors)}' # # Here: # # The function definitions and signatures: # - come from `compile_message` function above # # `return ` # - comes from `compile_message` function above # # `Foo` and `'X '` # - come from `compile_expr_text` below # # `foo(message_args, errors)` # - comes from `compile_expr_message_reference` below # # f'' (f-string) # - comes from `compile_expr_pattern` below # # For `bar` the call chain looks like this (with various intermediate calls # omitted): # # compile_message # -> compile_expr_pattern # -> compile_expr_text # -> compile_expr_message_reference # # # Note that some of the codegen.PythonAst objects can simplify themselves as # they are being built or finalised, and further transformations (i.e. # simplifications and optimizations) are done after we've built up a complete # Python AST for the function. So the easy one-to-one correspondence above will # not always apply. # # Note also that many functions are complicated by the need for 'escaper' # functions, which will be no-ops (and compile to nothing) if escapers # are not in use for the message. # # In some functions we use comments starting with `>` to try to indicate # generated code, with $ for interpolations (interpreted loosely) @singledispatch def compile_expr(element, block, compiler_env): """ Compiles a Fluent expression into a Python one, return an object of type codegen.Expression. This may also add statements into block, which is assumed to be a function that returns a message, or a branch of that function. """ raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot handle object of type {type(element).__name__}") @compile_expr.register(Message) def compile_expr_message(message, block, compiler_env): return compile_expr(message.value, block, compiler_env) @compile_expr.register(Term) def compile_expr_term(term, block, compiler_env): return compile_expr(term.value, block, compiler_env) @compile_expr.register(Attribute) def compile_expr_attribute(attribute, block, compiler_env): return compile_expr(attribute.value, block, compiler_env) @compile_expr.register(Pattern) def compile_expr_pattern(pattern, block, compiler_env): parts = [] subelements = pattern.elements use_isolating = compiler_env.should_use_isolating() and len(subelements) > 1 for element in pattern.elements: wrap_this_with_isolating = use_isolating and not isinstance(element, TextElement) if wrap_this_with_isolating: parts.append(wrap_with_escaper(codegen.String(FSI), block, compiler_env)) parts.append(compile_expr(element, block, compiler_env)) if wrap_this_with_isolating: parts.append(wrap_with_escaper(codegen.String(PDI), block, compiler_env)) # > f'$[p for p in parts]' return [finalize_expr_as_output_type(p, block, compiler_env) for p in parts], compiler_env.current.escaper, block.scope, ) @compile_expr.register(TextElement) def compile_expr_text(text, block, compiler_env): return wrap_with_mark_escaped(codegen.String(text.value), block, compiler_env) @compile_expr.register(StringLiteral) def compile_expr_string_expression(expr, block, compiler_env): return codegen.String(expr.parse()["value"]) @compile_expr.register(NumberLiteral) def compile_expr_number_expression(expr, block, compiler_env): number_expr = codegen.Number(numeric_to_native(expr.value)) # > NUMBER($number_expr) return codegen.FunctionCall(BUILTIN_NUMBER, [number_expr], {}, block.scope) @compile_expr.register(Placeable) def compile_expr_placeable(placeable, block, compiler_env): return compile_expr(placeable.expression, block, compiler_env) @compile_expr.register(MessageReference) def compile_expr_message_reference(reference, block, compiler_env): return handle_message_reference(reference, block, compiler_env) def compile_term(term, block, compiler_env, new_escaper, term_args=None): current_escaper = compiler_env.current.escaper if not escapers_compatible(current_escaper, new_escaper): term_id = ast_to_id(term) error = TypeError( f"Escaper {} for term {term_id} cannot be used from calling context with {} escaper" ) add_static_msg_error(block, error) compiler_env.add_current_message_error(error) return make_fluent_none(term_id, block.scope) else: with compiler_env.modified(escaper=new_escaper): with compiler_env.modified_for_term_reference(term_args=term_args): return compile_expr(term.value, block, compiler_env) @compile_expr.register(TermReference) def compile_expr_term_reference(reference, block, compiler_env): term, new_escaper, err_obj = lookup_term_reference(reference, block, compiler_env) if term is None: return err_obj if reference.arguments: args = [compile_expr(arg, block, compiler_env) for arg in reference.arguments.positional] kwargs = { compile_expr(kwarg.value, block, compiler_env) for kwarg in reference.arguments.named } if args: args_err = FluentFormatError( f"{display_ast_location(reference.arguments, compiler_env)}: Ignored positional arguments passed to term '{reference_to_id(reference)}'" ) add_static_msg_error(block, args_err) compiler_env.add_current_message_error(args_err) else: kwargs = None return compile_term(term, block, compiler_env, new_escaper, term_args=kwargs) @compile_expr.register(SelectExpression) def compile_expr_select_expression(select_expr, block, compiler_env): with compiler_env.modified(in_select_expression=True): key_value = compile_expr(select_expr.selector, block, compiler_env) static_retval = resolve_select_expression_statically(select_expr, key_value, block, compiler_env) if static_retval is not None: return static_retval if_statement = codegen.If(block.scope, parent_block=block) key_tmp_name = reserve_and_assign_name(block, "_key", key_value) return_tmp_name = block.scope.reserve_name("_ret") need_plural_form = any(is_cldr_plural_form_key(variant.key) for variant in select_expr.variants) if need_plural_form: plural_form_value = codegen.FunctionCall( PLURAL_FORM_FOR_NUMBER_NAME, [block.scope.variable(key_tmp_name)], {}, block.scope, ) # > $plural_form_tmp_name = plural_form_for_number($key_tmp_name) plural_form_tmp_name = reserve_and_assign_name(block, "_plural_form", plural_form_value) assigned_types = [] first = True for variant in select_expr.variants: if variant.default: # This is the default, so gets chosen if nothing else matches, or # there was no requested variant. Therefore we use the final 'else' # block with no condition. cur_block = if_statement.else_block else: # For cases like: # { $arg -> # [one] X # [other] Y # } # we can't be sure whether $arg is a string, and the 'one' and 'other' # keys are just strings, or whether $arg is a number and we need to # do a plural category comparison. So we have to do both. We can use equality # checks because they implicitly do a type check # > $key_tmp_name == $variant.key condition1 = codegen.Equals( block.scope.variable(key_tmp_name), compile_expr(variant.key, block, compiler_env), ) if is_cldr_plural_form_key(variant.key): # > $plural_form_tmp_name == $variant.key condition2 = codegen.Equals( block.scope.variable(plural_form_tmp_name), compile_expr(variant.key, block, compiler_env), ) condition = codegen.Or(condition1, condition2) else: condition = condition1 cur_block = if_statement.add_if(condition) assigned_value = compile_expr(variant.value, cur_block, compiler_env) cur_block.add_assignment(return_tmp_name, assigned_value, allow_multiple=not first) first = False assigned_types.append(assigned_value.type) if assigned_types: first_type = assigned_types[0] if all(t == first_type for t in assigned_types): block.scope.set_name_properties(return_tmp_name, {codegen.PROPERTY_TYPE: first_type}) block.add_statement(if_statement.finalize()) return block.scope.variable(return_tmp_name) @compile_expr.register(Identifier) def compile_expr_variant_name(name, block, compiler_env): # TODO - handle numeric literals here? return codegen.String( @compile_expr.register(VariableReference) def compile_expr_variable_reference(argument, block, compiler_env): name = if compiler_env.current.term_args is not None: # We are in a term, all args are passed explicitly, not inherited from # external args. if name in compiler_env.current.term_args: return compiler_env.current.term_args[name] return make_fluent_none(name, block.scope) # Otherwise we are in a message, lookup at runtime. # We might have already looked it up: existing = block.scope.find_names_by_property(PROPERTY_EXTERNAL_ARG, name) # Name reservation is done at scope level. We also need to check that it has # been defined in this block, or a parent block to this one. if existing and block.has_assignment_for_name(existing[0]): arg_tmp_name = existing[0] else: arg_tmp_name = block.scope.reserve_name("_arg", properties={PROPERTY_EXTERNAL_ARG: name}) # Arguments we get out of the args dictionary should be wrapped # into 'native' Fluent types using `handle_argument`. # Except, in a select expression, we only care about matching against a selector, so # don't need to do this wrapping wrap_with_handle_argument = not compiler_env.current.in_select_expression if wrap_with_handle_argument: arg_handled_tmp_name = block.scope.reserve_name("_arg_h") # > $tmp_name = handle_argument_with_escaper($tmp_name, "$name", output_type, locale, errors) # or # > $tmp_name = handle_argument($tmp_name, "$name", locale, errors) escaper = compiler_env.current.escaper if escaper is null_escaper: handle_argument_func_call = codegen.FunctionCall( "handle_argument", [ block.scope.variable(arg_tmp_name), codegen.String(name), block.scope.variable(LOCALE_NAME), block.scope.variable(ERRORS_NAME), ], {}, block.scope, ) else: handle_argument_func_call = codegen.FunctionCall( "handle_argument_with_escaper", [ block.scope.variable(arg_tmp_name), codegen.String(name), block.scope.variable(escaper.output_type_name()), block.scope.variable(LOCALE_NAME), block.scope.variable(ERRORS_NAME), ], {}, block.scope, ) if block.scope.has_assignment(arg_tmp_name): # already assigned to this, can re-use if not wrap_with_handle_argument: return block.scope.variable(arg_tmp_name) block.add_assignment(arg_handled_tmp_name, handle_argument_func_call) return block.scope.variable(arg_handled_tmp_name) # Add try/except/else to lookup variable. try_except = codegen.Try( [ block.scope.variable("LookupError"), block.scope.variable("TypeError"), # for when args=None ], block.scope, ) block.add_statement(try_except) # Try block # > $arg_tmp_name = message_args[$name] try_except.try_block.add_assignment( arg_tmp_name, codegen.DictLookup(block.scope.variable(MESSAGE_ARGS_NAME), codegen.String(name)), ) # Except block add_static_msg_error( try_except.except_block, FluentReferenceError(f"{display_ast_location(argument, compiler_env)}: Unknown external: {name}"), ) # > $arg_tmp_name = FluentNone("$name") try_except.except_block.add_assignment(arg_tmp_name, make_fluent_none(name, block.scope), allow_multiple=True) if not wrap_with_handle_argument: return block.scope.variable(arg_tmp_name) # We can use except/else blocks to do wrapping. # Except block: # We don't want to add 'handle_argument' round FluentNone instances, # it does the wrong thing. # > $arg_handled_tmp_name = $arg_tmp_name try_except.except_block.add_assignment(arg_handled_tmp_name, block.scope.variable(arg_tmp_name)) # else block: # > $handled_tmp_name = handle_argument($arg_tmp_name, "$name", locale, errors) try_except.else_block.add_assignment(arg_handled_tmp_name, handle_argument_func_call, allow_multiple=True) return block.scope.variable(arg_handled_tmp_name) @compile_expr.register(FunctionReference) def compile_expr_function_reference(expr, block, compiler_env): args = [compile_expr(arg, block, compiler_env) for arg in expr.arguments.positional] kwargs = { compile_expr(kwarg.value, block, compiler_env) for kwarg in expr.arguments.named} # builtin or custom function function_name = if function_name in compiler_env.functions: match, sanitized_args, sanitized_kwargs, errors = args_match( function_name, args, kwargs, compiler_env.functions_arg_spec[function_name] ) for error in errors: add_static_msg_error(block, error) compiler_env.add_current_message_error(error) if match: function_name_in_module = compiler_env.function_renames[function_name] return codegen.FunctionCall(function_name_in_module, sanitized_args, sanitized_kwargs, block.scope) return make_fluent_none(function_name + "()", block.scope) error = FluentReferenceError(f"Unknown function: {function_name}") add_static_msg_error(block, error) compiler_env.add_current_message_error(error) return make_fluent_none(function_name + "()", block.scope) # if isinstance(expr.callee, (TermReference, AttributeExpression)): # if args: # args_err = FluentFormatError("Ignored positional arguments passed to term '{0}'" # .format(reference_to_id(expr.callee))) # add_static_msg_error(block, args_err) # compiler_env.add_current_message_error(args_err) # term, err = lookup_term_reference(expr.callee, block, compiler_env) # if term is None: # return err # return compile_term(term, block, compiler_env, term_args=kwargs) # End compile_expr implementations # Compiler utilities and common code: def add_msg_error_with_expr(block, exception_expr): block.add_statement(codegen.MethodCall(block.scope.variable(ERRORS_NAME), "append", [exception_expr])) def add_static_msg_error(block, exception): """ Given a block and an exception object, inspect the object and add the code to the scope needed to create and add that exception to the returned errors list. """ return add_msg_error_with_expr( block, codegen.ObjectCreation( exception.__class__.__name__, [codegen.String(exception.args[0])], {}, block.scope, ), ) def do_message_call(msg_id, block, compiler_env): current_escaper = compiler_env.current.escaper new_escaper = compiler_env.escaper_for_message(msg_id) if not escapers_compatible(current_escaper, new_escaper): error = TypeError( f"Escaper {} for message {msg_id} cannot be used from calling context with {} escaper" ) add_static_msg_error(block, error) compiler_env.add_current_message_error(error) return make_fluent_none(msg_id, block.scope) msg_func_name = compiler_env.message_mapping[msg_id] if compiler_env.current.term_args is not None: # Message call from inside a term. # We pass term args to message function, not external args. term_arg_dict = codegen.Dict( [(codegen.String(k), v) for k, v in sorted(compiler_env.current.term_args.items())] ) call_args = [term_arg_dict, block.scope.variable(ERRORS_NAME)] else: call_args = [block.scope.variable(a) for a in MESSAGE_FUNCTION_ARGS] func_call = codegen.FunctionCall(msg_func_name, call_args, {}, block.scope) return wrap_with_escaper(func_call, block, compiler_env) def finalize_expr_as_output_type(codegen_ast, block, compiler_env): """ Wrap an outputted Python expression with code to ensure that it will return a string (or the correct output type for the escaper) """ escaper = compiler_env.current.escaper if codegen_ast.type is escaper.output_type: return codegen_ast if issubclass(codegen_ast.type, str): return wrap_with_escaper(codegen_ast, block, compiler_env) if issubclass(codegen_ast.type, FluentType): # > $escaper.escape($codegen_ast.format(locale)) return wrap_with_escaper( codegen.MethodCall( codegen_ast, "format", [block.scope.variable(LOCALE_NAME)], expr_type=str, ), block, compiler_env, ) if escaper is null_escaper: # > handle_output($python_expr, locale, errors) return codegen.FunctionCall( "handle_output", [ codegen_ast, block.scope.variable(LOCALE_NAME), block.scope.variable(ERRORS_NAME), ], {}, block.scope, expr_type=str, ) # > handle_output_with_escaper($codegen_ast, $escaper.output_type, $escaper.escape, locale, errors) return codegen.FunctionCall( "handle_output_with_escaper", [ codegen_ast, block.scope.variable(escaper.output_type_name()), block.scope.variable(escaper.escape_name()), block.scope.variable(LOCALE_NAME), block.scope.variable(ERRORS_NAME), ], {}, block.scope, expr_type=escaper.output_type, ) def is_cldr_plural_form_key(key_expr): return isinstance(key_expr, Identifier) and in CLDR_PLURAL_FORMS def is_NUMBER_call_expr(expr): """ Returns True if the object is a FTL ast.FunctionReference representing a call to NUMBER """ return isinstance(expr, FunctionReference) and == "NUMBER" def lookup_term_reference(ref, block, compiler_env): # This could be turned into 'handle_term_reference', (similar to # 'handle_message_reference' below) once VariantList and VariantExpression # go away. term_id = reference_to_id(ref) if term_id in compiler_env.term_ids_to_ast: return ( compiler_env.term_ids_to_ast[term_id], compiler_env.escaper_for_message(term_id), None, ) return compiler_env.term_ids_to_ast[term_id], None # Fallback to parent if ref.attribute: parent_id = reference_to_id(ref, ignore_attributes=True) if parent_id in compiler_env.term_ids_to_ast: error = unknown_reference_error_obj(term_id, ref, compiler_env) add_static_msg_error(block, error) compiler_env.add_current_message_error(error) return ( compiler_env.term_ids_to_ast[parent_id], compiler_env.escaper_for_message(parent_id), None, ) return None, None, unknown_reference(term_id, block, ref, compiler_env) def handle_message_reference(ref, block, compiler_env): msg_id = reference_to_id(ref) if msg_id in compiler_env.message_ids_to_ast: return do_message_call(msg_id, block, compiler_env) # Fallback to parent if ref.attribute: parent_id = reference_to_id(ref, ignore_attributes=True) if parent_id in compiler_env.message_ids_to_ast: error = unknown_reference_error_obj(msg_id, ref, compiler_env) add_static_msg_error(block, error) compiler_env.add_current_message_error(error) return do_message_call(parent_id, block, compiler_env) return unknown_reference(msg_id, block, ref, compiler_env) def make_fluent_none(name, scope): # > FluentNone(name) # OR # > FluentNone() return codegen.ObjectCreation("FluentNone", [codegen.String(name)] if name else [], {}, scope) def numeric_to_native(val): """ Given a numeric string (as defined by fluent spec), return an int or float """ # val matches this EBNF: # '-'? [0-9]+ ('.' [0-9]+)? if "." in val: return float(val) return int(val) def reserve_and_assign_name(block, suggested_name, value): """ Reserves a name for the value in the scope block and adds assignment if necessary, returning the name reserved. May skip the assignment if not necessary. """ if isinstance(value, codegen.VariableReference): # We don't need a new name, we can re-use this one. return name = block.scope.reserve_name(suggested_name) block.add_assignment(name, value) return name def resolve_select_expression_statically(select_expr, key_ast, block, compiler_env): """ Resolve a select expression statically, given a codegen.PythonAst object `key_ast` representing the key value, or return None if not possible. """ key_is_fluent_none = is_fluent_none(key_ast) key_is_number = isinstance(key_ast, codegen.Number) or ( is_NUMBER_function_call(key_ast) and isinstance(key_ast.args[0], codegen.Number) ) key_is_string = isinstance(key_ast, codegen.String) if not (key_is_string or key_is_number or key_is_fluent_none): return None if key_is_number: if isinstance(key_ast, codegen.Number): key_number_value = key_ast.number else: # peek into the number literal inside the `NUMBER` call. key_number_value = key_ast.args[0].number default_variant = None found = None for variant in select_expr.variants: if variant.default: default_variant = variant if key_is_fluent_none: found = variant break if key_is_string: if isinstance(variant.key, Identifier) and key_ast.string_value == found = variant break elif key_is_number: if isinstance(variant.key, NumberLiteral) and key_number_value == numeric_to_native(variant.key.value): found = variant break elif ( isinstance(variant.key, Identifier) and compiler_env.plural_form_function(key_number_value) == ): found = variant break if found is None: found = default_variant return compile_expr(found.value, block, compiler_env) def unknown_reference(name, block, ast_node, compiler_env): error = unknown_reference_error_obj(name, ast_node, compiler_env) add_static_msg_error(block, error) compiler_env.add_current_message_error(error) return make_fluent_none(name, block.scope) def display_ast_location(ast_node, compiler_env): ftl_resource = compiler_env.current.ftl_resource return display_location(ftl_resource.filename, span_to_position(ast_node.span, ftl_resource.text)) def unknown_reference_error_obj(ref_id, source_ast_node, compiler_env): location = display_ast_location(source_ast_node, compiler_env) if ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR in ref_id: return FluentReferenceError(f"{location}: Unknown attribute: {ref_id}") if ref_id.startswith(TERM_SIGIL): return FluentReferenceError(f"{location}: Unknown term: {ref_id}") return FluentReferenceError(f"{location}: Unknown message: {ref_id}") def wrap_with_escaper(codegen_ast, block, compiler_env): escaper = compiler_env.current.escaper if escaper is null_escaper or escaper.escape is identity: return codegen_ast if escaper.output_type is codegen_ast.type: return codegen_ast return codegen.FunctionCall(escaper.escape_name(), [codegen_ast], {}, block.scope) def wrap_with_mark_escaped(codegen_ast, block, compiler_env): escaper = compiler_env.current.escaper if escaper is null_escaper or escaper.mark_escaped is identity: return codegen_ast if escaper.output_type is codegen_ast.type: return codegen_ast return codegen.FunctionCall(escaper.mark_escaped_name(), [codegen_ast], {}, block.scope) # AST checking and simplification def is_DATETIME_function_call(codegen_ast): return isinstance(codegen_ast, codegen.FunctionCall) and codegen_ast.function_name == BUILTIN_DATETIME def is_fluent_none(codegen_ast): return ( isinstance(codegen_ast, codegen.ObjectCreation) and codegen_ast.function_name == "FluentNone" and (len(codegen_ast.args) == 0 or isinstance(codegen_ast.args[0], codegen.String)) ) def is_NUMBER_function_call(codegen_ast): return isinstance(codegen_ast, codegen.FunctionCall) and codegen_ast.function_name == BUILTIN_NUMBER class Simplifier: def __init__(self, compiler_env): self.compiler_env = compiler_env def __call__(self, codegen_ast, changes): # Simplifications we can do on the AST tree. We append to # changes if we made a change, and either mutate codegen_ast or # return a new/different object. # The logic here wouldn't be appropriate to put into codegen methods # like `build` or `finalize` because it is higher level and contains # more logic specific to Fluent. # We match against a number of patterns: # NUMBER(NUMBER(...)) -> NUMBER(...) (i.e. no keyword args) if ( is_NUMBER_function_call(codegen_ast) and not codegen_ast.kwargs and is_NUMBER_function_call(codegen_ast.args[0]) ): changes.append(True) return codegen_ast.args[0] # NUMBER(NUMBER(x), kwargs=...) -> NUMBER(x, kwargs=...) if ( is_NUMBER_function_call(codegen_ast) and is_NUMBER_function_call(codegen_ast.args[0]) and not codegen_ast.args[0].kwargs ): changes.append(True) codegen_ast.args[0] = codegen_ast.args[0].args[0] # Numeric literals in some function call keyword arguments don't need to be # wrapper in NUMBER # e.g. NUMBER(x, minimumIntegerDigits=NUMBER(1)) -> NUMBER(x, minimumIntegerDigits=1) # DATETIME(x, hour12=NUMBER(1)) -> DATETIME(x, hour12=1) # We can't be sure for other custom functions, it depends how the args are used. if (is_DATETIME_function_call(codegen_ast) or is_NUMBER_function_call(codegen_ast)) and codegen_ast.kwargs: for kwarg_name, kwarg_value in list(codegen_ast.kwargs.items()): if is_NUMBER_function_call(kwarg_value) and not kwarg_value.kwargs: codegen_ast.kwargs[kwarg_name] = kwarg_value.args[0] changes.append(True) # Numeric literals used in comparisons (select expressions) don't need to be wrapped # in NUMBER(), because FluentNumber and int/float compare in the same way. # x == NUMBER(y) -> x == y if ( isinstance(codegen_ast, codegen.Equals) and is_NUMBER_function_call(codegen_ast.left) and not codegen_ast.left.kwargs ): codegen_ast.left = codegen_ast.left.args[0] changes.append(True) # NUMBER(y) == x -> y == x if ( isinstance(codegen_ast, codegen.Equals) and is_NUMBER_function_call(codegen_ast.right) and not codegen_ast.right.kwargs ): codegen_ast.right = codegen_ast.right.args[0] changes.append(True) # FluentNone('x').format(locale) -> 'x' if ( isinstance(codegen_ast, codegen.MethodCall) and is_fluent_none(codegen_ast.obj) and codegen_ast.method_name == "format" and isinstance(codegen_ast.args[0], codegen.VariableReference) and codegen_ast.args[0].name == LOCALE_NAME ): make_fluent_none_call = codegen_ast.obj # We can make the FluentNone object now, call its format method if len(make_fluent_none_call.args) == 0: none_object = FluentNone() elif isinstance(make_fluent_none_call.args[0], codegen.String): none_object = FluentNone(make_fluent_none_call.args[0].string_value) else: none_object = None if none_object is not None: changes.append(True) return codegen.String(none_object.format(self.compiler_env.locale)) return codegen_ast