Using fluent_compiler

Learn the FTL syntax

FTL is a localization file format used for describing translation resources. FTL stands for Fluent Translation List.

FTL is designed to be simple to read, but at the same time allows to represent complex concepts from natural languages like gender, plurals, conjugations, and others.

hello-user = Hello, { $username }!

In order to use fluent_compiler, you will need to create FTL files. Read the Fluent Syntax Guide in order to learn more about the syntax.

Using fluent-compiler

fluent-compiler has two interfaces for generating messages from FTL files. The first is fluent_compiler.compiler.compile_messages(). It’s assumed that most users will want this interface, but will add their own wrappers. Usually this will provide the best possibilities in terms of performance.

The second interface is fluent_compiler.bundle.FluentBundle, which is slightly higher level. If you use this class directly, it is recommended to create your own wrapper to insulate your code from any changes in interface we make. You could also copy its source code as the basis for your own compile_messages wrapper.

General usage examples below use FluentBundle.

Formatting messages

Here is how to format messages using the FluentBundle class.

The FluentBundle constructor takes a list of FtlResource objects as input, but for convenience there are some alternative constructors from_string() and from_files(). Both take a locale string (in BCP 47 format) as a first parameter. To construct from a string:

>>> from fluent_compiler.bundle import FluentBundle
>>> bundle = FluentBundle.from_string("en-US", """
... welcome = Welcome to this great app!
... greet-by-name = Hello, { $name }!
... """)

If we had these in a my_messages.ftl file on disk, we could construct like this:

>>> bundle = FluentBundle.from_files("en-US", ["my_messages.ftl"])

To generate translations, use the format method, passing a message ID and an optional dictionary of substitution parameters. If the message ID is not found, a LookupError is raised. Otherwise, as per the Fluent philosophy, the implementation tries hard to recover from any formatting errors and generate the most human readable representation of the value. The format method therefore returns a tuple containing (translated string, errors), as below.

>>> translated, errs = bundle.format('welcome')
>>> translated
"Welcome to this great app!"
>>> errs

>>> translated, errs = bundle.format('greet-by-name', {'name': 'Jane'})
>>> translated
'Hello, \u2068Jane\u2069!'

>>> translated, errs = bundle.format('greet-by-name', {})
>>> translated
'Hello, \u2068name\u2069!'
>>> errs
[FluentReferenceError('Unknown external: name')]

You will notice the extra characters \u2068 and \u2069 in the output. These are Unicode bidi isolation characters - non-printing characters that help text layout engines to ensure that the interpolated strings are handled correctly in the situation where the text direction of the substitution might not match the text direction of the localized text. These characters can be disabled if you are sure that is not needed for your app by passing use_isolating=False to the FluentBundle constructor.

Python 2

The above examples assume Python 3. Since Fluent uses unicode everywhere internally (and doesn’t accept bytestrings), if you are using Python 2 you will need to make adjustments to the above example code. Either add u unicode literal markers to strings or add this at the top of the module or the start of your repl session:

from __future__ import unicode_literals


When rendering translations, Fluent passes any numeric arguments (int, float or Decimal) through locale-aware formatting functions:

>>> bundle = FluentBundle.from_string("en", "show-total-points = You have { $points } points.")
>>> val, errs = bundle.format("show-total-points", {'points': 1234567})
>>> val
'You have 1,234,567 points.'

You can specify your own formatting options on the arguments passed in by wrapping your numeric arguments with fluent_compiler.types.fluent_number:

>>> from fluent_compiler.types import fluent_number
>>> points = fluent_number(1234567, useGrouping=False)
>>> bundle.format("show-total-points", {'points': points})[0]
'You have 1234567 points.'

>>> amount = fluent_number(1234.56, style="currency", currency="USD")
>>> bundle = FluentBundle.from_string("en", "your-balance = Your balance is { $amount }")
>>> bundle.format("your-balance", {'amount': amount})[0]
'Your balance is $1,234.56'

The options available are defined in the Fluent spec for NUMBER. Some of these options can also be defined in the FTL files, as described in the Fluent spec, and the options will be merged.

Date and time

Python datetime.datetime and objects are also passed through locale aware functions:

>>> from datetime import date
>>> bundle = FluentBundle.from_string("en", "today-is = Today is { $today }")
>>> val, errs = bundle.format("today-is", {"today": })
>>> val
'Today is Jun 16, 2018'

You can explicitly call the DATETIME builtin to specify options:

>>> FluentBundle.from_string('en', 'today-is = Today is { DATETIME($today, dateStyle: "short") }')

See the DATETIME docs. However, currently the only supported options to DATETIME are:

To specify options from Python code, use fluent_compiler.types.fluent_date:

>>> from fluent_compiler.types import fluent_date
>>> today =
>>> short_today = fluent_date(today, dateStyle='short')
>>> val, errs = bundle.format("today-is", {"today": short_today })
>>> val
'Today is 6/17/18'

You can also specify timezone for displaying datetime objects in two ways:

  • Create timezone aware datetime objects, and pass these to the format call e.g.:

    >>> import pytz
    >>> from datetime import datetime
    >>> utcnow = datime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
    >>> moscow_timezone = pytz.timezone('Europe/Moscow')
    >>> now_in_moscow = utcnow.astimezone(moscow_timezone)
  • Or, use timezone naive datetime objects, or ones with a UTC timezone, and pass the timeZone argument to fluent_date as a string:

    >>> utcnow = datetime.utcnow()
    >>> utcnow
    datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 17, 12, 15, 5, 677597)
    >>> bundle = FluentBundle("en", "now-is = Now is { $now }")
    >>> val, errs = bundle.format("now-is",
    ...    {"now": fluent_date(utcnow,
    ...                        timeZone="Europe/Moscow",
    ...                        dateStyle="medium",
    ...                        timeStyle="medium")})
    >>> val
    'Now is Jun 17, 2018, 3:15:05 PM'

Known limitations and bugs

Help with the above would be welcome!

Be sure to check the notes on Other implementations and comparisons, especially the security section.

Other features and further information